Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Writing Skills Part 2

Student ID 21542212 Exam 986041RR WRITING SKILLS PART 2 When you constitute completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit originally terminate the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20 Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be class across a page break, so be sure that you pretend seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. Which of the pursuit would be an leave way to add variety to your prison terms? A. Add personal anecdotes. B.Use questions and answers together. C. Use to a greater extent close-up course. D. Make your excoriates read like a spoken conversation. 2. Which of the following educations just rough vocabulary building is not coiffe? A. The best way to repair your vocabulary is to memorize lists of vocabulary words. B. immortalizeing on a casual basis is very great for building y our vocabulary. C. Using the dictionary is lone(prenominal) one step in the process of vocabulary building. D. Pronunciation is an important part of adding new words to your vocabulary. 3. To put face-lift ideas into close-up words, use _______ descriptions. A. frequent B. faraway C. mpersonal D. concrete 4. Increasing your vocabulary means A. youll save more lively sentences. B. youll be able to drop down more time reading. C. youll spend less time on revision. D. youll write longer sentences. 5. Which one of the following statements about making your writing fun to read is not correct? A. Give your writing a personal touch by demonstrate that youre interested in your subject. B. An anecdote or humorous extension is a great deal more convincing than a strong argument. C. The conversation you write moldiness sound natural for the characters. D. Direct quotations should be reserved for characters in stories. . Which statement is most accurate regarding the speaking-writing con nection?A. Written words seldom shine the words people use when they speak. B. To own a word, write it everyplace and over again. C. The words used by writers argon not normally used in speaking. D. To own a word, speak it. 7. Which of the following guide on quotations is punctuated properly? A. port to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great act B. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run C. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run D. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run 8. Which one of the following sentences or phrases is most likely to be considered a cliche? A. How dead is a dead doornail? B. When in doubt, pout. C. Look before you leap. D. Are you a man or a moose? 9. Read the word in p arntheses then decide which of these sentences most effectively translates an abstract concept into a mental picture. A. (Freedom) On her twenty-first birthday, Lola declared herself a woman. B. (Studious) Lucy lay on her bed read ing a back outgrowth of National Geographic. C. (Rumors) Whispers of doubt filled the empty halls like the reek of change state cabbage. D. Sunrise) The rising sun transformed the canyon into bright stone and trench shadow. 10. A synonym is a word thats A. pronounce the same. B. opposite in meaning. C. defined in a thesaurus. D. similar in meaning. 11. Find the sentence with the active express. A. The bill was passed by the general assembly. B. The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill. C. It was voted by the legislature to pass. D. I was told by the chairman that the bill was passed by the legislature. 12. An antonym is a word thats A. defined in a thesaurus. B. the same in meaning. C. pronounced the same. D. opposite in meaning. 13.A cliche is a _______ expression. A. worn-out B. new C. exotic D. wordy 14. Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice? A. Accidents are considered by most people as unavoidable. B. It is said that explici t steps can be taken to prevent many accidents. C. Accidents are witnessed every day. D. Few people think seriously of doing something about accidents. 15. Anna is an prodigious young girl. _______ Anna does any job that needs to be done. To vary the sentence structure, which one of the following sentences should you insert in the blank? A. Anna works impregnable every day of her life.B. Anna is a hardworking and versatile person. C. Have you spy how hard she works? D. Anna is always working hard at home. 16. Freewriting is an mould in which you A. rewrite an article in a magazine or newspaper. B. write only grammatically correct sentences. C. revise and polish an essay. D. write whatever your thoughts are in no particular order. 17. When using submit quotations in your writing, which of the following should be placed outside the set of quotation marks? A. Comma B. Question mark C. Period D. Semicolon 18. Which of the following words is most likely to carry a connotation?A. Run B. die hard C. Stride D. Walk 19. When we speak of the flavor of a word, were talking about the extra understood meanings that it carries in addition to its main meaning. These extra meanings are called A. connotations. B. definitions. C. denotations. D. shadings. 20. Which sentence best describes clustering? A. You write down words or ideas in chronological order. B. Youre generating words that call forth possible themes for an essay. C. Youre generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs. D. You write down words or ideas that make out to you in no particular order. End of exam

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