Thursday, April 25, 2019

RECRUITMENT & SELECTION ( Human Resource Managment) Essay

RECRUITMENT & SELECTION ( Human alternative Managment) - Essay Example(1). In my opinion it is in the traditional approach that the company demonstrates obligation to its ingest well-being and the well-being of its employees. The Obligation and Benefits of Internal Selection The example presented makes it very clear that the internal nominee has remained a loyal employee to the organization. The organization has an obligation to its own well-being and the well-being of its employees to recognize trueness and honor the loyalty of its employees. (2). Denying this obligation to a talented internal candidate testament make employees reconsider their loyalty to the organization to the disadvantage of the organization. Let us look at morale among the employees of the organization in case of external selection. The lack of recognition of performance and loyalty and the possible block to career advancement will lower their morale and act as a de-motivating factor, influencing their pe rformance. (1). Minimizing costs in its business activities is an obligation of an organization. By opting for the suitable internal candidate the costs involved in easing the new entrant into the rent out position and organization are removed.

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